Hello Hi Hi Hello Hi.
Heyho. The previous post was... -no comments-
Okay, so it's been a while since I've posted. Cos the last few weeks I've been concentrating to watch a drama online and now I've finish the whole episodes(didn't skip any parts). So, I am still making new clones although I don't have much money with me.
I am no longer the president of sos or what u call it jb. I had been demoted because of my carelessness and my punishment is- I have to be a WS (no, not white sands!) Wandering Spirit. I, the Wandering Spirit am hunting for eyes to satisfy my hunger pangs. Yet, at the moment, coudln't find any. It would be good if any of you donate your eyes to me.
Surgeon Maggi is currently dead. Of course she's dead. She's a Wandering Spirit.
I know the post was... boring.
(back to the top.)
Been a long time since I've been here.
Well, we have two options because I regret saying this, but let's face it, this blog's going to be dead soon.
Which one of you actually visits this blog everyday, hoping to see something? And Nurania don't say you do. Because I know you don't. Anyway, back to the two options:
1) Act like RAIN never happened and close this blog down.
2) Just put this blog up although it may be dead, but never change its URL, so that in who-knows how many years time, one of us may just suddenly remember the times RAIN had and stumble upon this blog again.
I'm just sad that I'm the only one who's going to *censored* and none of you are going with me. Aqilah, you're also probably going to *censored* and so you three will be together. This is oh so sad.
But nevermind me, nevermind me, I'll just cast shadows on your wall. -- Maria Mena - Nevermind Me.A song dedicated for all of you:
What is the game we're playing?
should I stick around for more?
Snap your fingers I'll coming running
Leave again when you're bored
with me
I'll make it easy
Nevermind me, nevermind me
I'll just cast shadows on your walls
Nevermind me, nevermind me
My God I feel so small
Nevermind me, nevermind me
I'll just cast shadows on your walls
Nevermind me, nevermind me
I'll just let myself out.
This facade that I'm stuck with
has got me wondering
Just tell me how you want me
and I'll be naked stumbling
just to get a reaction, any signs of love
Nevermind me, nevermind me
I'll just cast shadows on your walls
Nevermind me, nevermind me
My God I feel so small
Nevermind me, nevermind me
I'll just cast shadows on your walls
Nevermind me, nevermind me
I'll just let myself out.
Bottle up your smile
Pour it in a cup
I'll be on my way
once I've sobered up[You can listen to this song on my blog, it's the last song on my playlist.]
A few things I miss...
Aqilah's crazy laughter.
Irdina's pure crap (or as we like to say, merepekness/tahicatch).
Nurania's serious moments.
AND ....
Me being able to say I'm hot and irritating them all to death.
really am getting sentimental. Aw. Nurania, I admit it, you're right. Yes, yes, laugh all you want.

(back to the top.)
ugh,life's crap because we're all now not together anymore.NOT IN THE SAME SCHOOL EVEN.dammit la,i tell you i won't live in my sec school anymore without the all of you(and im not being melodramatic).but maybe we'll meet up by accident.You know,on the pavement,in the train?hopefully tho. Ok people,when we know our schedules,pls tell me because we need to plan the dates and times for the 6a malay girls reunion alright?
&&i love you.
&&i miss you.
(back to the top.)
Howdy ;D
dun ask abt my school ;D
short post only :P
&&MissPsycho was gone
(back to the top.)
Okay,sorry for not posting earlier. I was in KL with my cousins(:
Because I'll always remember you.
Because you have always promised to be there for me but time and time again you walk away and leave me crying.
Because I miss all my wonderful friends.
Because I panic whenever you are not with me.
Because I am glad that you allowed me to be your friend.
Because I know that i'm going to lose you to someone else.
Because I treasure everytime I have with you.
Because I wonder why you hate me for loving you.
Because I miss you.
Because I know that I will never see you again.(Not that i don't want to.)
Because I wonder what you are doing everytime you're not with me.
Because I wonder how you got me so smitten by you.
Because I wonder if there is anyone else in your heart.
Because I need you so badly.
Because I am to scared to say that i love you.
Because I seriously need to see your face again.
Because I never want to forget you.
Because I never had a chance to tell you how much you mean to me.
Because I love you.
Because I need to know that you are happy no matter if i get hurt.
Sorry people,I needed to rant.
&& i love you.
&& i miss you.
(back to the top.)
I had an awesome time chatting with Psycho & SPERM. HAHAHAHA. Let me paste the conversation here.
I have clones/what the heck - SPERMLaughing Hyena; first impressions mean a lot - PsychoDeedee the Great; sweet and low - Me [General Awesome]12/10/2008 11:52:01 AM I have clones:
hi 12/10/2008 11:52:13 AM Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
that's cool12/10/2008 11:52:18 AM I have clones:
huh?12/10/2008 11:52:25 AM Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
whatever12/10/2008 11:52:37 AM I have clones:
huh?12/10/2008 11:52:43 AM Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
that's cool12/10/2008 11:52:51 AM I have clones:
that's cool12/10/2008 11:52:52 AM I have clones:
12/10/2008 11:52:56 AM Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
whatever12/10/2008 11:53:04 AM I have clones:
12/10/2008 11:53:12 AM Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
that's cool12/10/2008 11:53:25 AM I have clones:
that's cool12/10/2008 11:53:31 AM Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
whatever12/10/2008 11:53:57 AM I have clones:
12/10/2008 11:54:05 AM Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
that's cool
12/10/2008 11:54:11 AM I have clones:
that's cool
12/10/2008 11:54:36 AM Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
12/10/2008 11:54:43 AM I have clones:
12/10/2008 11:54:46 AM I have clones:
12/10/2008 11:54:51 AM Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
that's cool12/10/2008 11:54:57 AM I have clones:
kau suker makan tahi?12/10/2008 11:55:04 AM Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
12/10/2008 11:55:16 AM I have clones:
apa merepek kau bebel?12/10/2008 11:55:23 AM Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
that's cool
12/10/2008 11:56:02 AM what the heck:
apa yang cool?12/10/2008 11:56:10 AM Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
whatever12/10/2008 11:56:19 AM what the heck:
urgh12/10/2008 11:56:22 AM what the heck:
umm..12/10/2008 11:56:25 AM Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
that's cool
12/10/2008 11:56:28 AM what the heck:
u mati.
12/10/2008 11:56:33 AM Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
12/10/2008 11:56:39 AM what the heck:
watcha doing?12/10/2008 11:56:44 AM Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
that's cool12/10/2008 11:56:55 AM what the heck:
what the bloody sucky hell u're talkin??12/10/2008 11:57:01 AM what the heck:
that's cool12/10/2008 11:57:01 AM Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
whatever12/10/2008 11:57:08 AM what the heck:
whatever12/10/2008 11:57:15 AM Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
that's cool*** then,
11:57:42 AM
Laughing Hyena; first impressions means alot:
11:57:43 AM
Laughing Hyena; first impressions means alot:
11:57:47 AM
Laughing Hyena; first impressions means alot:
on ur nerevs?12/10/2008
11:57:50 AM
Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
that's cool
11:57:51 AM
Laughing Hyena; first impressions means alot:
11:57:52 AM
what the heck:
11:57:52 AM
Laughing Hyena; first impressions means alot:
11:57:58 AM
Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
11:58:01 AM
what the heck:
11:58:06 AM
what the heck:
she kept saying that12/10/2008
11:58:09 AM
Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
that's cool
11:58:13 AM
Laughing Hyena; first impressions means alot:
11:58:16 AM
Laughing Hyena; first impressions means alot:
11:58:18 AM
Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
11:58:29 AM
what the heck:
from just now, this roxanne has been talking penis12/10/2008
11:58:30 AM
Laughing Hyena; first impressions means alot:
11:58:36 AM
Laughing Hyena; first impressions means alot:
u dah nak offline?
11:58:36 AM
Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
that's cool
11:58:40 AM
Laughing Hyena; first impressions means alot:
11:58:41 AM
what the heck:
11:58:44 AM
Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
11:58:45 AM
what the heck:
k arhh.
11:58:49 AM
Laughing Hyena; first impressions means alot:
11:58:52 AM
Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
that's cool
11:58:52 AM
what the heck:
11:58:57 AM
Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
11:58:57 AM
Laughing Hyena; first impressions means alot:
didi eh12/10/2008
11:58:59 AM
Laughing Hyena; first impressions means alot:
11:59:01 AM
Laughing Hyena; first impressions means alot:
11:59:04 AM
what the heck:
11:59:05 AM
Deedee the Great; sweet and low.:
Whatever, that's cool.
(back to the top.)
Hey, did the whole thingamajig with the skin and everything. Am back from Perth. Am exhausted. Goodbye.
(back to the top.)
i dun think we're really keeping this blog "alive". too busy :P what an excuse... tmr genreal awesam will be back and its HARI RAYA HAJI :D so happy get to go out of the house :D:D:D:D
GTG sry for the
short post :P*prof*
&&Miss Psycho was gone
(back to the top.)
Hey ho! Hello Hi Hello Hi Hi Hello.
It has been a long time since I post on Rain. Probably because I was too busy continuing R, SOS and reading Love Blossoms episodic synopsis. I love that show so much. Well, I am posting for the sake of keeping this blog alive and killing boredom. I have nothing to and I seem to forget my phrase. It is Surgeon Maggi is now currently dead? Should be. So, I am in no mood to give away sneak peaks now. Just wait until my good mood is with me. "The moon is coming." (some of you will know what I mean) Hehehe.
So, Didie is coming back on the 8th. So, I have one less person to sms. And I have been having funny dreams, not really funny, somehow funny. That's quite unnecessary to type. Yeah, I hate that dream. Hate it so much.
Alright, a FEW (like as if) more days for the December Holidays to end. I shall cut my talking cock now.
Surgeon Maggi is now currently dead.
Continuing SOS/R***** now.
Surgeon Maggi is now currently dead.
Gosh, how many times am I repeating? What ever
(back to the top.)
:D halo,hi,heyho :D
im trying to keep this blog "alive" bwuhahahahahs. anyways... im so happy cause i dunno why :D:D:D
ok, as i have nothing to say i better log off now before i talk crap like what im saying now :D
*missing RAIN rite now*
&&Miss Psycho was GONE
(back to the top.)
Good Evening? fellow aliens! i come from Mars an have come to conquer earth!
Currently:Talking to General Awesam durin her last hours
on EARTHin Singapore!
eh Boobstealer! the cocks are nice! should take the ones at Surgeon Maggi and her clones' house!
Nice pics eh? Done by a pro XD *prasaan sey budak ni* anyways im rying to keep our blog alive while General Awesam gets
kidnapped on a flight to Australia... anyways... i guess i should answer the quizz
-Patience is a virtue-
nvm having sum probs
*prof* Miss Psycho dissapered
(back to the top.)
(back to the top.)
Okay,actually i did take some photos and maybe later i'll upload them alright? Uh,but sorry guys,its taking a seriously looooooong time.Sorry for not posting earlier.i was very busy(even now).
&&i love you.
&&i miss you.
(back to the top.)