Yes im posting on RAIN(:
Yes as Dina says I MISS YOU ALL TOOS.
DeeDee im a les(: hahas
Ohk i shall be "wise" as Dina says
OMG! i was like giving Dina wise advice!
BUT seriously Dina you SHOULD do wad i adviced u!
jia you!^^
Tmr having study date with nisa so any of u wan to drop by pls DO!
hahas most prob at mac D's at WS!
Hahas supposed to be andalusing! hahas
signing off
--Aqil xP
(back to the top.)
Guys, I feel like crying now. I miss you all sey. I mean, ye lah, I met Aqilah alot of times already and I still miss her. Although I sms the two of you, and continuing our craps, but I still miss talking to you, like seriously. Don't close down this blog. Not anyone of you should back out. OKAY?? PROMISE eh! Because I miss primary school times so much seyh. Then now, dah tak banyak craps pasal JB. Saddening betul.
Guess what? I failed both Science AND Maths. Damn suckish. I think I scored the lowest in class for Math. Stupid kan? Dina is dumb. That's why her nickname starts with D. I guess I am too playful this term. Slack like shit. Let me repeat again, " I, DINA WHO'S DUMB SLACK LIKE SHIT." Maybe too many people keep calling me dumb and stupid and dummy, that's probably the reason why I did horribly this term. Saddening like shit.
DeeDeeo, I don't have any boyfriends. Not interested in VS. Hah. Dee, you're a les right? I knew it because my instinct(mindfreak powers) keep telling me that you are not straight! HAHA! MY MINDFREAK POWERS ARE STILL WORKING!!
Now now, AQILAH!! YOU BETTER POST SOMETHING OKAY. ANY CRAPS AS LONG AS YOU POST. like seriously, must post ok. kkay. love ya all! Foo nachet!!
(back to the top.)